About Us
The Department of Algebra and Geometry was founded in 1964 by a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Chunikhin Sergei Antonovich. In 1966 S.A. Chunikhin was elected an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. The following were elected to the post of head of the department by competition:
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor L.Ya. Polyakov (1971–1976);
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor L.A. Shemetkov (1976-1986);
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor VS Monakhov (1986-1996);
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor A.N. Skiba (1996-2002);
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor L.A. Shemetkov (2002-2012);
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics V.M.Sel'kin (from 2012 to the present).